Information for spring 2
This term we are learning all about the Victorians!
We will be looking at what life was like in Keyworth during Victorian times, as well as comparing schools then and today!
In English (unless your child is part of a phonics group) we will be continuing our Phonics get writing work, as well as VIPERs reading lessons.
In Maths we are working on measuring! We will be looking at length and width in cm and m, as well as volume and capacity - it would be great if you could do some of this at home too!
In Science we are looking at living things and their habitats!
In art, we will be studying the work of L.S Lowry and learning a bit about his life!
In computing, we are finding out about how technology has changed over time.
In JIGSAW we are learning about how to keep our minds and bodies healthy!
In RE we are learning about churches, and Easter!
PE is on Tuesdays and Fridays so please make sure your child has their kit in school on those days.
Find attached below a whole class timetable and the spellings for this term.