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Y2- Steve Irwin Class

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    Published 28/04/22, by Kerry Inglis

    This week we are continuing to find out about Africa! We will be pretending to go on safari and seeing what animals we can spot. Check out Andy's safari adventure to see what animals we might see!

    We will be sharing lots of lovely African stories including 'We're Going on a Lion Hunt

    We will be reading 'Tinga Tinga tales' - an African story of how the elephant got his trunk! Check out this animated version...


    The children are trying so hard with their reading and their writing, huge thank you for everyone supporting this at home. Check out these Read, Write, Inc videos to help children embed sounds they are finding particularly tricky.  This week it is special friends 'ch' and 'ng'. Special friends are sets of letters that make one sound. In this case, two letters that make one sound. As always, we love seeing your reading at home and your lovely writing that comes into school!  

    RWI video speedy sounds - 'ch' 

    RWI speedy sounds - 'ng' 

    For our F1 children, check out this Fred Talk video to help with blending sounds together:

    Fred Talk- at the zoo 


    In maths, we are continuing our White Rose topic of 'To 20 and beyond' see last week's blog for more information. Check out this helicopter game to help children consolidate numbers to 20 (selecting numbers 0-20).

    We will also be exploring capacity and experimenting with which bottles can hold the most water for our safari trip! Have a look at this NRICH activity that you could do at home.


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    Published 21/04/22, by Kerry Inglis

    Our story of the week is 'Handa's Surprise' ... Another one of our favourites! Watch the animated version of the story below. 

    What is your favourite fruit? Can you re-call any of the cheeky animals from the story? Have you ever felt surprised? 

    Can you draw a story map to re-tell the story? Have a look at some of our 'Handa's surprise' inspired actvities to try at home (attached at bottom of the post).
    As always, we would love to see what you get upto on Tapestry! 

    We will be also learning this traditional African folk chant which has a great beat. Sing along at home!


    We are continuing to use the blog to practise the sounds we are finding particularly tricky in our reading and writing.

    This week we have special friends 'ng' and 'nk'... Special friends are two letters that make one sound.
    Click the links to watch the videos and practise sounds, 'ng' and 'nk'.

    We are also trying to embed our red words, spotting them in our ditty books and applying them to write simple sentences. Red words are tricky words, that often appear in texts, they usually can't be sounded out and having 'tricky letters' in them.

    Watch this video, Rosie will help you to remember tricky words 'the' and 'no'.

    Our F1 children are doing a brilliant job at 'Fred Talk' games in Nursery... Pushing sounds together when they have been segmented. Watch this this 'Fred Says...' video  or play your own Fred talk game at home. 


    We are getting so whizzy with our maths! This term, we are starting a new scheme of learning in our White Rose programme called 'to 20 and beyond' find the breakdown of the coverage following this link to the White Rose website. Also, check out the scheme of learning attached below, which has lots of activity ideas you could try at home. 

    Follow this link this link for some great interactive, ipad friendly games that will help children consolidate numbers to 20. 

    .This number block episode is all about the 'teen' numbers! 

    Get moving and singing at home with this great African 'A lion has a tail' song.


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    Published 18/04/22, by Kerry Inglis

    This week, we are kicking off our 'Big Wide World' topic with the brilliant book... The Snail and the Whale, written by one of our favourite authors Julia Donaldson! 

    This tale, is about a little snail who longs to see the world so hitches a lift on the tail of an enormous whale. Together, they go on an amazing journey past icebergs and volcanoes and meet some animals along the way.  Have a listen to the story: 

    This story will help bring our topic to life, exploring the vastness of the world, introducing what habitats are, as well as the difference is between land and sea.

    We will begin to have discussions on some of our big enquiry questions such as 'What does a globe show us' and 'Where abouts are we in the World?' -  using the globe, maps and Google Maps to pinpoint where the UK is and see what shape our country is. 


    The children are doing so brilliantly with their phonics! Huge thank you for all of your hard work at home with their reading and speedy sounds.

    As well as learning new sounds in school, we are going to use the blog to focus on a few sounds that the children are finding particularly tricky applying in their reading and their writing.
    This week we will be focusing on 'f' and 'h'... 

    Click the links below and have a go at watching the Read, Write, Inc videos to help the children embed these tricky sounds.

    RWI video - 'f' 

    RWI video - 'h' 

    If you are in F1, have a go at some blending with Fred's adventure to the seaside!

    Fred Talk- Adventure to the Seaside  

    Also, check out this lovely song of our book of the week, performed by Julia Donaldson herself and her husband Malcolm. Can you listen out for any rhyming words? 

    We've also added some nice activities we found all things 'The Snail and the Whale'... See the attachments below.

    We can't wait to see you all on Tuesday and hear all about your Easter holidays!


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    Published 17/04/22, by Kerry Inglis

    We hope you all had a fab Easter break together and enjoyed the lovely sunshine! Fingers crossed the wonderful weather stays ðŸŒžðŸ¤ž

    If you fancy sending us any photos of what you’ve been up to during the holidays, please feel free to send them in on Tapestry. The children always love sharing these in class. 
    We can't wait to see you all on Tuesday! 

    Our new big idea for the next half-term is... 'The Big Wide World'

    In the Big Wide World project, your child will find out about the amazing world in which they live! They will learn about different climates and explore habitats and the animals that live there. They will locate the United Kingdom on a world map and compare life in the United Kingdom with life elsewhere. We will be learning about different cultures, celebrating differences and talking about how we are all wonderfully unique!

    How you can support your child at home:

    • Share and discuss our ‘Big Ideas’  poster (see clearer PDF at the bottom of the page).
    • Use Google Earth to explore where you live and look up places you would like to visit.
    • Talk about places around the world you have visited, or places that family members or friends live. Look at the places on a map and talk about ways you might travel there.
    • If you've been on holiday, send in photographs of where you went for the children to talk about in class. If you go away, send a postcard to school, and we can add to our United Kingdom or world map.
    • Watch episodes of ‘Where in the world’ on CBeebies. What can you find out about life in other countries?

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  • Happy Easter everyone!!!

    Published 01/04/22, by Julie Gerrard

    Have a wonderful Easter and a lovely break. We look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.

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  • Trolls

    Published 25/03/22, by Wendy Boon

    This week our story has been about the Three Billy Goat's Gruff.

    One of our challenges was to design a Troll using clay. 

    Have a look at our collection of Trolls we made. Click here for the gallery of Trolls 

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  • The Three Billy Goats Gruff

    Published 19/03/22, by Kerry Inglis

    Over the next couple of weeks, we will be sharing the book of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. We will be looking at different versions of the story and becoming super storytellers, re-telling the tale ourselves and acting it out using props. 

    We will be continuing our big ideas question of what is a structure? ... Learning that structures are not just buildings but bridges and monuments too. 

    The children have been brilliant at designing and making their own structures over the past few weeks. We are now ramping up the challenge to build bridges that balance and can stay intact when the small world Billy goats trample across them!

    Here's an animated version of the story... 

    We will also be sharing this brilliant Julia Donaldson story, 'The Troll' , combining the character we know with pirates! Have a listen here:

    We will be designing and making our own trolls to put on display in our 'Troll Museum'.  We will be applying our phonics by giving them alliterative names (e.g. Moody Margaret, Grumpy Gilbert etc).

    In phonics, we are continuing revisiting our set 1 sounds to help us apply them confidentially in our reading and writing. Here are the sounds we are focusing on this week, have a go at forming the letters at home... Or if you're feeling up for a challenge writing some words with them in! You could use your speed sound cards to help you.  Remember our special friends are two letters that make one sound.

    Week 1 (21.03.22)

    Have a look at this Alphablocks episode to help learn the 'z' sound...

    Week 2 (28.03.22)

    For those children who have red ditty books, check out this video to see how you can support your child reading them at home: Ruth Miskin- Supporting child reading red ditty books. 

    In school, we are going to be talking about Spring, and seeing if we can spot some signs of spring outside. Can you play SPRINGO at home (see attachment below).
    What signs of spring can you see, smell and hear whilst out and about? We would love to see photos on tapestry! 

    As always, we LOVE seeing what you are getting up to at home. Any adventures, activities or just something you'd like to show us... Send it in on tapestry. The children really enjoy sharing their tapestries with their friends at snack time. 


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  • EYFS science week

    Published 18/03/22, by Julie Gerrard

    We have had lots of fun this week learning about science.

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    Published 15/03/22, by Kerry Inglis


    As part of our science week, we had the lovely Amanda and Nicola (who are setting up Keyworth's community garden) come and visit us. They told us all about worms and how important they are in making the perfect soil for growing plants. The children were fascinated to find out that worms don't have eyes, and they breathe through their skin! 

    We pretended to be magpies and got the worms to the surface by digging and stamping our feet (which tricks the worms into thinking it's raining). As they wriggled to the surface, we collected worms and made our own worm farms by layering soil and sand and putting cabbage on the top for them to eat. We made sure the jars had holes in the top, so the worms could breathe. We then wrapped our worm farms in black paper, so it was like they were underground.

    We are excited to see the tunnels that the worms dig over the next few weeks! 


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  • What is a Structure?

    Published 03/03/22, by Kerry Inglis

    Over the next couple of weeks our big questions are:

    What is a structure? 

    Who builds our structures? 

    We will be creating lots of structures ourselves and building with different resources and materials. Can you build a structure at home? You could use construction resources (like Duplo or Lego) or collect some natural materials from outside (twigs, leaves, stones) or even have a go at building with matchsticks and mini marshmallows... There are so many things you can construct with! 

    We will be sharing this story and talking about what an architect does. We will be creating our own architect drawings and designing our own buildings. 

    We will also be asking: 

    How do animals build their homes? 

    We will be sharing this brilliant book and finding out how animals are also amazing architects! 

    In phonics, we are continuing revisiting our Set 1 sounds to help us apply them confidently in our reading and writing.  We will be focusing on a sound a day. Can you form the letters? It doesn't have to be on paper... You could practise writing them using water and a paintbrush outside, a stick in the mud, bubbles in the bath... The possibilities are endless!  

    Week commencing: 07.03.22


    Week commencing: 14.03.22 

    We are continuing our White Rose topic on 'Building 9 & 10' we will be counting backwards from 10, comparing numbers to 10 and making 10 using different arrangements. Watch this Number blocks episode to explore the number 10.

    We have been brilliant at naming and describing 2D shapes the past few weeks. We are moving on to exploring 3D shapes and their properties. This will link brilliantly as we can build structures from 3D shapes. Check out this catchy song:

    Can you find any 3D shapes at home? Can you describe them? Are they good to be stacked- why/why not? Will the role- why/why not? See our tapestry challenge for more information. 

    This song will help to embed some of our vocabulary: this is the way we lay the bricks

    We will be moving and grooving each morning to this dance:




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  • WORLD BOOK DAY: LOST & FOUND By Oliver Jeffers

    Published 03/03/22, by Kerry Inglis

    HAPPY WORLD BOOK DAY! We can't wait to see all of your costumes today... Remember you can dress up as anything, it doesn't have to be linked to our book. 

    For World Book Day we are venturing to Antarctica! Be sure to wrap up warm as it's the coldest place on earth! We will be sharing the story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. We will be finding the South Pole on the globe and seeing how far away it is from England. We will be learning about the animals that live in Antarctica, building igloo structures, learning how to make and draw penguins and lots, lots more fun inspired activities linked to the book. 

    Have a sing and sign along with the singing hands to 'Five Little Penguins'... 

    Check out the Go Jetters visiting Antarctica here!

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    Published 28/02/22, by Kerry Inglis

    This week in school, we will be finding out about 'Shrove Tuesday' and what 'lent' means to Christians. 

    To celebrate Shrove Tuesday, we will be sharing the story of 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes', which links wonderfully with our previous topic on Fairy tales and revisits some of the characters we are familiar with. He could also be the wolf from our current book of the week ...'The Three Little Pigs'.

    We will find out how you make a pancake by looking at the recipe and talking about the ingredients.
    We will be role-playing using all the special equipment and pretend ingredients in our home corner and even sampling a small section of pancake with our favourite toppings! Mmmmm! ðŸ˜‹ 

    At home, if you make pancakes please send your photographs on Tapestry.
    Can you rate your pancake out of 10?
    Can you carefully count how many toppings you add to your delicious pancake?
    What's your favourite flavour combination? Is it sweet or savoury?

    We can't wait to see your pancakes and find out what you've rated them.


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