What is a Structure?
Over the next couple of weeks our big questions are:
What is a structure?
Who builds our structures?
We will be creating lots of structures ourselves and building with different resources and materials. Can you build a structure at home? You could use construction resources (like Duplo or Lego) or collect some natural materials from outside (twigs, leaves, stones) or even have a go at building with matchsticks and mini marshmallows... There are so many things you can construct with!
We will be sharing this story and talking about what an architect does. We will be creating our own architect drawings and designing our own buildings.
We will also be asking:
How do animals build their homes?
We will be sharing this brilliant book and finding out how animals are also amazing architects!
In phonics, we are continuing revisiting our Set 1 sounds to help us apply them confidently in our reading and writing. We will be focusing on a sound a day. Can you form the letters? It doesn't have to be on paper... You could practise writing them using water and a paintbrush outside, a stick in the mud, bubbles in the bath... The possibilities are endless!
Week commencing: 07.03.22
Week commencing: 14.03.22
We are continuing our White Rose topic on 'Building 9 & 10' we will be counting backwards from 10, comparing numbers to 10 and making 10 using different arrangements. Watch this Number blocks episode to explore the number 10.
We have been brilliant at naming and describing 2D shapes the past few weeks. We are moving on to exploring 3D shapes and their properties. This will link brilliantly as we can build structures from 3D shapes. Check out this catchy song:
Can you find any 3D shapes at home? Can you describe them? Are they good to be stacked- why/why not? Will the role- why/why not? See our tapestry challenge for more information.
This song will help to embed some of our vocabulary: this is the way we lay the bricks
We will be moving and grooving each morning to this dance: