The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Over the next couple of weeks, we will be sharing the book of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. We will be looking at different versions of the story and becoming super storytellers, re-telling the tale ourselves and acting it out using props.
We will be continuing our big ideas question of what is a structure? ... Learning that structures are not just buildings but bridges and monuments too.
The children have been brilliant at designing and making their own structures over the past few weeks. We are now ramping up the challenge to build bridges that balance and can stay intact when the small world Billy goats trample across them!
Here's an animated version of the story...
We will also be sharing this brilliant Julia Donaldson story, 'The Troll' , combining the character we know with pirates! Have a listen here:
We will be designing and making our own trolls to put on display in our 'Troll Museum'. We will be applying our phonics by giving them alliterative names (e.g. Moody Margaret, Grumpy Gilbert etc).
In phonics, we are continuing revisiting our set 1 sounds to help us apply them confidentially in our reading and writing. Here are the sounds we are focusing on this week, have a go at forming the letters at home... Or if you're feeling up for a challenge writing some words with them in! You could use your speed sound cards to help you. Remember our special friends are two letters that make one sound.
Week 1 (21.03.22)
Have a look at this Alphablocks episode to help learn the 'z' sound...
Week 2 (28.03.22)
For those children who have red ditty books, check out this video to see how you can support your child reading them at home: Ruth Miskin- Supporting child reading red ditty books.
In school, we are going to be talking about Spring, and seeing if we can spot some signs of spring outside. Can you play SPRINGO at home (see attachment below).
What signs of spring can you see, smell and hear whilst out and about? We would love to see photos on tapestry!
As always, we LOVE seeing what you are getting up to at home. Any adventures, activities or just something you'd like to show us... Send it in on tapestry. The children really enjoy sharing their tapestries with their friends at snack time.