Happy Half-Term Little Dreamers!
We couldn't be any prouder of how well the children have settled into Little Dreamers life this half-term- they have been utterly amazing!
We hope you all have a lovely break, having lots of fun and some well deserved rest!
We would LOVE to hear what you get up to over half-term... This could be having a film night, sharing a favourite book, exploring on an autumnal walk, dressing up for Halloween, baking a delicious treat... It can be absolutely anything the children would like to show us.
If you could upload these photos in one post on tapestry that would be great. We will print these and use them for a talking/sharing activity with the children once they are back in school.
We have to note that tapestry is quite expensive and if it is not being accessed regularly, we unfortunately might have to lose it.
Have a listen to this lovely poem on Cbeebies...Can you spot any of these signs of autumn when you are out and about? (Also attached as a PDF below)
Or you could go on a leaf hunt and see how many different leaves you can spot:
We love this Halloween inspired idea, adding spooky faces to leaves...
- Remember school will be closed on Monday 31st October as it is an inset day.
- (F2) Keep up with your doodle maths, little and often is perfect trying to stay in the green zone along with those speedy sounds and blending activities.
- Keep your eyes peeled for a blog post before we come back to school all about our next topic... Long Ago.
- Have a wonderful half-term! We look forward to seeing/hearing what you get up to.