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Over the coming weeks we will be talking all things winter and of course all things Christmas! Here are the big idea question's we will be exploring: 

  • What does winter feel like? 
  • What is the weather like?  
  • How can water change? 
  • How do you celebrate Christmas?
  • What other celebrations do people have in December? 

We will be sharing lots of wonderful stories linked to these big idea questions. Have a listen to some below: 

You can also watch a lovely animated version of this story here on BBC iPlayer.



Our Winter Wonderland vocabulary that we will be sharing with the children over the next couple of weeks is listed below:

Here are some winter inspired ideas and activities you could get busy with at home over the next few weeks - as always, we love seeing what you get up to on tapestry and the children enjoy showing their friends in school. 

  • Remember it is the Christmas Fair this Friday (Friday 9th December) 3:30-5:00pm. Click here for more information.
  • It is a non school uniform day/Christmas Jumper day on Friday 9th December - any donations of chocolate for the Christmas Fair would be greatly appreciated.
  • There will be boxes in the bandstand next week to collect the mystery bags and any other donations (unopened/sealed bottles of drink, tombola prizes, good quality cuddly toys and books).  
  • If you haven't already got tickets to see the whole school performance of 'The Snow Queen' - click here for dates and how to book tickets.
  • A reminder that all children's costumes should be in by Monday 5th December so we can join in with the dress rehearsals -for EYFS children this is a woolly hat, scarf and gloves (in a named carrier bag please).

Thank you for your continued support 😊