Who Is Vincent Van Gogh?
As it is the final week of our 'Let it Grow' topic, we will be revisiting all of our previous big idea questions to see if the children can remember all the things we have found out about!
This will include talking about:
What do plants need to grow? Plants need water, sunlight and nutrients to grow.
Where does fruit grow? Fruit grows on bushes, trees and vines.
What vegetables grow underground? Some vegetables grow underground such as carrots, potatoes, parsnips, turnips and onions. We call these root vegetables.
How do trees change? Trees and leaves can look different in different seasons/weather.
What do worms do? Worms dig tunnels underground, they eat and poo which gives the soil nutrients and helps plants to grow.
See if the children can answer any of these questions at home!
We will also be discovering who Vincent van Gogh is and looking at some of his famous paintings and using them to inspire our own creations. We will be looking at flowers, learning the names of some flowers and having a go at being an artist painting flowers!
Here are the great text's that we will be sharing:
- (F2) We have noticed a huge dip in children accessing doodle maths regularly - please let us know if you are having any issues with the app or need your login details again. Mrs King always says little and often with doodle maths- it will be a homework expectation in Year 1 so best to try and keep up the momentum playing regularly now. Let us know if you need any support with this. Keep your eyes peeled for a competition that will be starting before May half-term!
- We hope everyone has a lovely half-term, we break up from school on Friday 26th May and return to school on Monday 5th June.