Summer 1 information
Welcome to the summer term!
Our new topic is: Our Splendid Skies
Over the Easter break, we experienced all types of weather! Now is a great time to investigate the weather and seasons even further.
In the geography topic, we will take a walk outdoors to find out about different types of weather and to look for signs of the seasons. We’ll study TV weather reports, design weather symbols, and learn about weather around the world. Creative opportunities will allow us to explore the weather in works of art and seasonal music! Our thinking skills will come in handy when we set up our weather station and investigate the weather in Keyworth.
See the curriculum map below to see what else we will be covering this half-term.
Phonics Screening Check
The Phonics Screening Check will be taking place during the week commencing Monday 10th June. This is a statutory assessment which all Year 1 children must complete. Mrs Westie and I will be holding a Phonics Screening parent's meeting on Tuesday 16th April straight after school to share more information with you about the check and the best ways for you to help your child feel prepared.
Reminders and Dates
- Our Attenborough class assembly will take place at 3pm on Friday 26th April. It would be lovely if you could attend.
- PE sessions this half-term are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- We are now working towards our Gold Reading Award! Please keep on top of reading 3x a week and signing this off in your home-school diaries.
- Our school expectation is for children to stay in the green zone on Doodle Maths. I set bespoke assignments on here for your children to complete - I will be giving special stickers to those who are in the green zone every Friday!
As some of you may have seen in Dragon's Roar, I got married over the Easter holidays. I will now be known as Mrs Mulcahy (I have told the children they can call me Mrs M). Please don't worry if you hear them talking about this new person - it's still me!
See you tomorrow!