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Summer fair - Friday 7th June

Our Summer Fair is fast approaching, and we are looking forward to another family fun event!

There will be games, BBQ, refreshments and even a 22ft inflatable slide!

Last year we raised over £1000 which has been invaluable when purchasing playground equipment.

Please find attached a leaflet which outlines how you can contribute to making this Summer Fair as much of a success as last years! Any questions, please ask. 

What Can I do to make it a Success?

  • Do you have any things to donate to the tombola ( unwanted Gifts, Toys Toiletries etc)
  • New this Year - RAINBOW RAFFLE  - each class  will make a rainbow-colour themed hamper to be raffled off - Donations to school by Wed 5th June                                                                                                                  F1/F2 = Red, Year 1 - Orange, Year 2 - Yellow, Year 3 - Green, Year 4- Blue. Year5 -Purple, Year 6 - White
  • Create a jam jar or 2 - Find an empty jam jar and fill it with Treats
  • Tie Dye stall - Bring your own T shirt to Tie Dye or buy one from th event

All events are run by volunteers.

If you are able to give an hour of your time to support the event it would be really appreciated.

Please contact Mrs Buttery if you are interested.