Our Splendid Skies
Welcome back Year 1.
Introducing our next topic... Our Splendid Skies.
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Welcome back Year 1.
Introducing our next topic... Our Splendid Skies.
We had a great time on our trip to Manor Farm Park. Check out the gallery for pictures of our day.
Manor Park Farm - Monday 20th March
On Monday we are going on our school trip to Manor Park Farm. Please can children be in school at 8.50am as the bus is leaving at 9.15am. All children will need a packed lunch and wellies.
We had the most amazing time celebrating World Book Day yesterday. The children's costumes were amazing.
Our focus of the day was poetry, and we kicked off the day by writing a whole school collaborative poem about our school. We then explored 4 different poems and completed some great activities to do with these poems. '
Here are just a handful of the poems we looked at:
The Jabberwocky - Lewis Carroll
Magical Box - Kit Wright
Eye Spy With My Rainbow Eye
Daffodil - William Wordsworth
Thoughts Like An Ocean
Monday 20th March - Manor Park Farm Trip
Welcome back Keller Class, I hope you had a great break. Everyone has come back very settled and fell straight into a normal routine well done!
Our next topic in Year 1 is The Great Fire of London. We will find out what happened in 1666, how it happened and what changed following this disaster.
In this topic we will:
Are you ready to find out why London started burning?
In science we are learning how to identify and classify animals into groups. Here is a good song to listen to at home to help remember these groups : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VixROiu8Qg
Driver subject: History |
Chronological order, events beyond living memory, Samuel Peyps |
Literacy |
Get Writing and diary entries |
Maths |
Place Value to 50, Length and Height |
Science |
Animals including humans (the 5 animal groups) |
Jigsaw |
Healthy Me |
PE |
Throwing and catching |
DT |
Tudor Houses |
RE |
Visiting a Church and Easter |
On Tuesday 7th February it was Safer Internet Day.
Hello Keller Class!
Didn't we tell you?! We went on a trip to London last week to take a look at the human features and famous landmarks. (Don't worry, we didn't really go! We used our imagination to turn KPNS into St Pancras train station and got the underground from Keller Class to the hall).
Keller Class have settled back into their routines really nicely. We are having a great start to the half-term and learning lots already about our new topics.
So far this half-term we have learnt the four countries and capital cities that are found in the United Kingdom. Starting this week, we began to learn all about London! Next week, we will be taking a trip to London (our school hall) to explore the famous human features found in our amazing capital city.
If you have ever been to London and would like to share something from your visit, you're more than welcome share this with the rest of Keller class!
We have already finished our first project in our art unit! I am so impressed with these masterpieces, and they are up on display in our classroom already! Take a look below for a sneak peek at some of these amazing creations.
As always, please keep on top of reading three times a week. We have started getting children complete their silver reading award already so keep it up!
Please also make sure you are staying within the green zone on your doodle maths - this is just as important as reading! Give me a shout if you are struggling to access doodles and I shall help where I can.
Enjoy the rest of the week!
Miss Sturman
Hello Keller Class!
We have had a fun few weeks full of lots of activities including the pant, our Snow Queen performance, Christmas dinner, Christmas jumper day and lots more! The whole class have enjoyed learning about 2D and 3D shapes in maths and can create beautiful patterns using a variety of these shapes! We have also done some sewing and created our own Sleeping Beauty themed hand puppets! We then got to hold onto these whilst we watched The Sleeping Beauty film to create our own puppet shows.
Take a look at the images below for a taste of what we've been up to this term.
Over the holidays
I will be sending your child home with a home learning pack to complete over the holidays. Please do not panic if you have not got time to do this, it will just help keep their learning ticking over!
Along with the home learning pack, your child may have been given a selection of phonics QR codes. These QR codes have been selected for your child based on the sound gaps that were spotted during their most recent phonics assessments. All you need to do is scan the QR code then they can access the lesson for this sound (lessons are between 10-15 minutes long). Please also keep on top of your reading and doodle maths over the holidays!
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