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A special visitor from BGS

We had a fantastic afternoon today learning about extreme weather with a special visitor from the British Geological Society!

This afternoon, Year 3 had the fantastic opportunity to meet with Marli from the British Geological Society (BGS), who shared her expertise on extreme weather events. The children were captivated as they learnt about tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, heatwaves, and sandstorms. Marli gave us valuable insights into how these natural phenomena occur and their impacts on the environment.

Afterward, the children took on the role of weather forecasters, creating informative posters to advise local communities on how to recognise the signs of extreme weather and what actions to take to stay safe. The room was buzzing with creativity and newly gained knowledge as they worked on their posters!

The Y3 children now have a wealth of facts about these extreme weather events—why not ask them to share a few with you at home? You might be surprised at how much they’ve learnt!

I was incredibly proud of how well Year 3 followed the Keyworth Code, showing respect and enthusiasm throughout Marli’s visit. It was a wonderful learning experience for everyone!