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Science week in y3

Science Week in Year 3

Science Week brought excitement and discovery to our Year 3 class. We kicked off the week by exploring the book Leonora Bolt: The Secret Inventor by Lucy Brandt in our VIPERS reading session. Inspired by Leonora's creativity.

On Monday, the classroom buzzed with activity as Year 3 planned their experiment. We were investigating 'which card glider would travel the furthest and why?'. We considered our predictions, identified the variables that would remain constant and those that would change, and discussed how to ensure our tests were fair. Today, we created our gliders. Each design required precision and sparked curiosity about aerodynamics. On Friday, we will test the gliders! We can't wait to see the results!

In assembly, we learnt about Amelia Earhart, the pioneering aviator, inspiring Y3 to dream big and reach great heights. Science Week not only fostered a love for learning but also encouraged collaboration and creativity.