First week Complete!
The Sweet Peas have had a fantastic first week! Find out what we got up to...
The Sweet Peas have had a fantastic first week! Find out what we got up to...
Our topic for this term is... 'mighty metals'
Our classroom is all set and we can't wait to see you next week!
Wow...what a year we've had!
Our classroom for next year!
Find out what we've been up to this week...
It's been another busy week in Jellyfish class!
All schools can now bring more pupils back to school if staffing allows, pupil groups are no bigger than 15 (we call these groups of 15 pupils bubbles) and good hygiene measures are adhered to. This latest government guidance means we can now allow your child to return to school on the 25th June - next Thursday. The Y2 children returning to school will work with the Y1 pupils who are already back in school in a bubble of up to 15 children.
For the time Y2 are back in school, the children will focus on wellbeing and activities that reinforce key skills. The children will be working with Miss Fowell, who will be your child’s new class teacher. We are really excited to be able to offer this transition opportunity – it should set the children up nicely for any return to school after the Summer holidays.
Your child must attend for the full week, except Wednesdays when school is closed for staff training and cleaning.
Our Keyworker and home learning provision will remain exactly the same.
We will send more information over the next week or two, but do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
If you said ‘no’ or did not respond to the parent survey, we cannot guarantee your child a place to return to school before September as many of our bubbles are now full and we do not currently have the staffing capacity to open up more bubble. However, please contact the school office as we will always support where at all possible.
Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.
This is our last week on Peter Rabbit!
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