Autumn 2 has arrived!
Celebrating the Seasons
Celebrating the Seasons
Jellyfish class had an amazing time at Manor House Farm! We completed a dinosaur scavenger hunt, learnt about extinction and got to dig for fossils! Before lunch we had some time to relax and have fun in the indoor play area and then, in the afternoon, we got to meet and greet a variety of animals.
The children did an excellent job of representing our school. Their behaviour was fantastic and staff were very impressed with their knowledge of dinosaurs.
Take a look at the attached newsletter for information about our topic this half term.
We will be starting our spelling activities this week.
We always try to make learning spellings a nice experience for the children rather than a stressful one.
Practice at home always helps the children feel more confident so your help would be greatly appreciated.
For the year 1 children - Don't worry if the children find it tricky at first!
For the year 2 children - You know how to do it so get ready to be brilliant!
'Watch out! Dinosaurs about! Jellyfish class received a top secret email from Jurassic World Nottingham this week to say some of their dinosaurs have escaped and are now on the loose! Some of them have been very naughty and our wrecking our classroom. First, a dinosaur with very sharp claws scratched our display wall (we think it might have been a velociraptor). Then, a very greedy dinosaur gobbled up Miss Simpson's flowers (we think it might have been a herbivore). Whatever will they do next? To help us find the culprits, we have been doing research into different dinosaurs. In the meantime, stay safe and be on the look out for any pesky reptiles!' Click here to see the clues!
It was lovely meeting all of the Jellyfish Class over the last few days.
Mini Sports Day for Blackbirds and Robin's
Birds of Prey
People Who Help Us
Jackson Pollock
Transient Art
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