Maths Support WB 11.5.20
Hello all! Here's your maths activities for the week
Year 1
This week you will be counting and exploring numbers up to 100.
- Start by completing lessons from Oak National Academy
There's a quiz at the start (don't worry if you get anything wrong! You get the chance to do it again at the end), then you can begin the lesson by clocking 'Next Activity' in the bottom right corner. The lesson includes a video led by a teacher and some activity sheets with answers for marking.
- To support your understanding of tens and ones, I would also look at this lesson from BBC Bitesize
- Topmarks is great if your child needs a break from paper and pencil activities. Here are a few games to try
I've also attached extra worksheets at the bottom of this page
Year 2
This week you are going to build on last week's work by looking at direction and rotation.
- Start by completing some lessons from Oak National Academy
I would recommend Week 2 Thurs and Fri and anything from Week 3
- BBC Bitesize also has some useful resources
Lesson on Directions and Turns
Lesson 2 of Titch and Ted is worth a look too
I've also attached some extra resources at the bottom of the page.
Email me with any questions and pictures :)