Happy Half term Sweet Peas!
Dear Sweet Peas and adults,
I hope you have a well-deserved and restful half term holiday with your families next week. Each and every family has worked so hard under such difficult and often unpredictable circumstances. I have been amazed by the endless hours of work and support that has been put in over the past few weeks. Your hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed. So, for that I can only say a BIG thank you to all the Sweet pea class and their families.
Below I have left a few non-school related activities you may want to do in the holidays as well as a little certificate for the whole of Sweet pea class to congratulate them all.
I hope you all have time well spent with your families doing the things you love whether it be riding your bike or watching your favourite films in your cosy pyjamas!
I miss you all,
Miss Fowell