Home learning mat wb 1.3.21
Hello Sweet Peas,
It's our final week of home learning before we see your lovely faces back in school! I'm excited to see you all and get back to our normal routine!
I have uploaded all the work you will need to complete for next week, there is no work set for next Thursday as it is World Book day and there will be activities for you to complete on seesaw!
You will notice there is a little bit more work on the home learning mats this half term, as we are now adding two activities in the afternoons rather than just one, but please remember to prioritise your morning activities (phonics, reading, spelling, timestables) as well as morning maths and literacy activities.
Also, I have posted a previous blog called 'predator' this contains all the information about the learning we will be doing in our new and exciting topic as well as all of your Spring 2 spellings!
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Fowell x