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Year 4 Multiplication assessment in June 2022

Timetables check in June for Year 4!


This term in Parks class the Year 4's have been working hard in Maths on their times tables as well as working on their recent maths topic decimals and money. We have been learning some songs to go alongside times tables, as well as some tricks to help us remember (I’m sure the children have loved singing sergeant sevens to you all😊).

We are encouraging all Year 4’s to go on to Edshed each day and complete at least one game to help practise answering times tables in 6 seconds, as this is what is expected for them when completing the MTC tests in June. We have given all children new log ins last week which should all work as we have checked. If there are any issues accessing this feel free to speak to Miss Fowell or Miss Middleton as soon as possible.

To help encourage our Year 4's we have set up a leader board in their Maths room where the top 3 children with the highest scores each week will get put on the podium and will get to pick from Miss Middleton’s prize box.

Here are some links to some useful songs/websites to practice. To find out more information regarding the timetable test please see the attachment below (this document was also handed out at parents evening in March).


Useful links:


We also encourage the Year 3's to practise their times tables on doodlemaths as much as possible as times tables play a huge role in their maths and  this will prepare the children for Year 4. The Year 3's are expected to know their 2, 5, 10 ,3, 4, 8 times tables by the end of the year. The more practice the better as it will prepare them for further up the school!


As always if you have any questions please catch us!

Miss Fowell and Miss Middleton