Friday 23rd September
Happy Friday Everyone!
I hope you’re all enjoying your extra day off.
Firstly, congratulations to our Golden Eggs from last Friday – Niamh and Mustafa – keep up the good work being model pupils.
As we are now 4 weeks into our new term and also have a couple of new members of the class, I thought it might be a good idea to repeat the information that I shared with you in our first BLOG.
Important information
- If I need to get in touch with you, I will either send you a text message or catch you at the end of the day. If you need to contact me, please catch me on the door after school or make an appointment with the school office.
- Please ensure your child brings their book bag into school every day.
- Our PE days will be Monday and Wednesday so your child will need to bring in their kit every Monday. We will also be taking part in drumming lessons on Tuesdays.
- I will not be in the classroom on a Monday afternoon – the children will be taught by Mrs Lees on these afternoons.
- Please check out our new behaviour and attendance policy if you have not already done so.
Homework expectations:
- Read to an adult at least three times a week. Please sign your child's home school diary to show they have done this. Diaries will be checked on Fridays. Please speak to me if you have any issues with reading three times a week. Find out more about Reading Lair here.
- Stay in the green zone on Doodlemaths.
- Practise your Times Tables on Doodle Maths – remember – you should know them all to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4!
- Practise Year 5 weekly spellings ready for our spelling quiz on Friday afternoons. These spellings will be sent home in Reading Diaries but also will be put on Doodlespell.
- Work your way through the Bronze Reading Award.
As we are not in school today, our next spelling test will be next Friday (30th September). Consequently, I have amended the spellings on Doodle Spell to reflect this.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Mrs Harris