Happy Easter!
Well, we've made it!
Hawking class have worked incredibly hard this half term and have accomplished a lot.
In History, we continued to explore the Tudors, focussing on Henry VIII, his six wives and his "Great Matter". The children have considered whether or not Henry was a 'bad king' and looked in depth at both him and Anne Boleyn through our Vipers work. They also finally finished their DT project which was begun last half term: Hawking Street!
In Science, we have investigated forces. We explored air resistance by designing and making our own parachutes; and friction by testing cars on a ramp covered with different materials.
In Maths, we have covered fractions, decimals and percentages and - this week - perimeter and area, whilst in English we have written a time-slip story set in Tudor England and then a diary entry for the main character in our story. Fortuitously, the main characters made it back to modern day England despite the desire of certain class members to behead them!
Homework expectations for the holidays are to continue to read as often as possible and keep Doodles ticking over.
Thanks to those parents who have volunteered to help with swimming - we couldn't do it without you!
I hope you have a wonderful Easter and look forward to seeing you all back, rested and refreshed, in April!
Mrs Harris