Farm, Sow and Grow!
Welcome Back!
I hope you all had a restful Easter with plenty of chocolate to eat.
This term's topic is Farm, Sow and Grow and a Curriculum Map is attached to this Blog so that you can see what we are covering in more detail.
As part of this topic, we will be working in the school garden area, digging over the planting beds and planting a variety of vegetables which we are hoping to use for our DT project (to design and make our own soup).
Every week, we will also be looking at where our food comes from. To support with this could you please bring in one piece of food packaging every Monday. We will be marking this on our world map.
What is our class text for this half-term?
This half term we will be reading The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Feel free to purchase a copy if you are able to.
A reminder of the school expectations for your child:
- To be reading at least 3 x a week at home and for home school books to be signed every week. You could even attend reading lair to do this!
- For children to remain in their green zone on Doodlemaths and Doodlespell (this is approximately 40 minutes every week).
- For children to be beginning to work on their Gold award. Don’t worry if you’re still working on your Silver (these can be found at the back of your child’s home school book).
- Checking the class blog regularly to see what we’re doing in school.
All children will now be doing PE on a Monday with Miss Robinson.
Swimming will be on a Thursday (please see my earlier swimming blog).
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask me or pass on a message to the office.
Mrs Harris