SATs information
Information about SATs for Y6.
Thank you to everyone who made it to the information meeting today and don't worry if you weren't able to attend. The information I went through is attached below.
Important things to note:
- SATs week is W/C 13th May and tests take place on Mon-Thurs
- We are doing lots of preparation in school, but children also need to be learning at home. Doing their Doodles regularly, including any assignments I set on there will help. There are also some websites linked in the attachment that have free SATs resources which you may wish to use.
- Sleep and relaxation are important too! It's not about doing lots of work all the time - little and often is best.
If you have any questions or want other resources to support learning at home, please ask. We have parents' evening coming up in a couple of weeks, so we can talk more then. I will also be sending home Easter revision packs, which I will hand out at parents' evening.
Miss Hopwood