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What does a vet do?

This week we are exploring the big questions

How do we care for our pets ?

What does a vet do?

We will be sharing the story 'Mog and the V.E.T, The Pet and Six dinner Sid' to explore these questions

  • Class assembly will be on the 19th JULY at 3:30pm
  • Story Cafe (see leaflet) 1st July 2-3pm
  • We do not take part in the whole school sports day event. Our sports morning will be on Thursday 18th July at 11am. All parents welcome
  • New starters meeting 3:30 on the 17th July
  • End of year performances will be in the Tuesday 23 July @9:30am and Wednesday 24th July @2pm and 6:30pm 
  • Sports week is week beginning the 8th July- more details to follow
  • Graduation for all foundation will be on 23rd July at 2:30pm- all family welcome