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A snapshot of Year 1...

Year 1 have been busy so far this year. Find out what we have been doing...

Rashford Class have had a great start to Year 1. They are settling into new routines, trying their hardest during lesson times and playing nicely with their new toys. 

In science, we are learning about our body parts and senses. We wanted to answer the question "Are we all the same? How are we different?" so we gathered information to help us find the answer. We created a picture graph showing our eye colours and found that most of us have brown eyes. We then used cubes to measure the size of our feet. Most of our feet were 10 cubes long, but not everyone had the same size feet!



This week, we went on a sense walk around school to find out what we could hear, see, smell and feel. We decided it was not a good idea to use our sense of taste because we should not put things we find outside in our mouths!



In English, we have been retelling the story of 'The Enormous Turnip'. We have been learning how to create exciting sentences using describing words (adjectives), and we are starting to learn how to write simple sentences using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. 

In maths, we are deepening our understanding of counting to 10 and starting to learn how to find one more than and one less than. All children are working really hard on forming their numbers in the correct way! Keep it up. 

Please click here to check out some pictures of our first couple of weeks in Year One.