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EYFS (F1 & F2) - Little Adventurers

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    Published 30/01/25, by Kerry Inglis

    This week we are sharing the brilliant Supertato stories! (One of our favourites in EYFS, hopefully the children love it as much as we do!)

    Here are the big idea question's that we will be talking about:

    • How do we stay healthy? 
    • Why are fruits and vegetables good for us? 
    • How do we take care of our teeth?

    We will also be continuing to explore of our overarching big idea question's for our books, books, brilliant books topic which are: 

    • Can you tell me a story?
    • What is a character?
    • What does an Author do?
    • What does an Illustrator do?
    • What is your favourite story?
    • Can you create your own story? 

    The children are really enjoying our 'Books, Books, Brilliant books' topic... See if they can answer any of these questions at home or re-tell/make up their own story.

    We will be making our own superhero characters and seeing what adventure/mischief they might get up to. Please send your child with a vegetable on Monday so they can decorate it in school and invent their own 'Supertato' inspired character.

    Check out this video of Supertato being read on Cbeebies bedtime stories!

    Here are some ideas you could try at home linked to 'Supertato'.
    As always... We love seeing what you get up to.... Share photos on tapestry and the children can show their friends in school.


    • We are hoping to take the children to Keyworth library on Monday 10th February. In order to do this, we will need some parent/family volunteers- if you are available and able to help out on Monday 10th February (2:00pm-3:15pm) we would be very grateful. Please let any member of staff in EYFS know if you are free.  Big thank you in advance!
    • Remember to send the children in with a vegetable on Monday 3rd to create their own 'Supertato' inspired character (see top of blog post for more information). 
    • Well done to all of those on their way to collecting their Bronze and Silver reading awards! Remember the school expectation is to read/share stories at least 3 times a week.
    • A reminder that Friday 14th February is an inset day and school will be closed to all pupils.

    Thank you for your continued support- the EYFS Team πŸ™‚







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    Published 23/01/25, by Kerry Inglis
    What an exciting week we have ahead! We are celebrating Chinese New Year! We will be finding out how and why this tradition is celebrated, sharing stories and joining in with some celebrations ourselves.  The Chinese/Lunar New Year is celebra
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  • NIBBLES- The Book Monster!

    Published 15/01/25, by Kerry Inglis

    We are really enjoying our ‘Books, Books, Brilliant books’ topic, talking about different settings, characters and our favourite parts in stories. 

    This week we are exploring the big idea question's 

    Can you describe a character? 

    Can you be an illustrator?  

    We will be bringing these questions to life, sharing different books, including 'Nibbles - The Book Monster'


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    Published 12/01/25, by Kerry Inglis

    Hopefully you've had a chance to check out our new big idea for this half-term: Keyworth Primary and Nursery School - BOOKS, BOOKS, BRILLIANT BOOKS!

    Over the next couple of weeks, we will be exploring these big idea questions: 

    • Can you re-tell a story?
    • Can you describe the setting of a story? (using We're Going on a Bear Hunt to support this)
    • Can you describe the characters in a story? (Using Goldilocks and the Three Bears to support this).

    We will be drawing simple story maps and acting out the stories to help the children remember and re-call them.

    Last week we shared the brilliant book 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. The children loved it! They were so confident re-calling  key parts and using story language from the book. We particularly liked their different voices for the different characters!

    This week, we will be introducing our talk for write a story to the children.... 'We're going on a bear hunt'. 

    Watch the Author, Michael Rosen performing the story below:

    Here is the vocabulary that we will be sharing with the children for 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'

    • Remember to enjoy sharing stories and record these in your reading diary-the school expectation is to read at least 3 times a week and get along the way to collecting the next reading award!
      (F2) practising your speedy sound cards, or doing any reading or writing activity can also count as an entry.
    • (F2) Keep up with those doodles! Little and often. Mrs King is monitoring. 
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    Published 05/01/25, by Kerry Inglis

    Over the next half-term our topic is: Books, Books, Brilliant Books!

    We will be sharing wonderful stories with the children, repeating them over and over, so the children can familiarise themselves with the story, gaining the confidence to talk about them and re-call the key parts.  We will be talking about the different settings and characters we discover in stories, and having lots of props in the classroom, so the children can recreate them and invent their own narratives.

    How you could support our topic at home:

    • Share and discuss the ‘Big Ideas’ poster below (also attached as PDF). 
    • Visit the local library together and pick some picture books to share.
    • Make up stories together - children love inventing stories and their imagination always blows us away!
    • Ask questions when you are reading together (e.g. how do you think the characters feel? What do you think is going to happen next? What was your favourite part? )
    • Read their favourite books over and over again!
    • Use toys and props to make up storylines in children's play. 
    • Make simple puppets (stick puppets, sock puppets etc) and use them to create a silly story or conversations together.
    • Pick and listen to a Cbeebies storytime together.
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    Published 05/12/24, by Kerry Inglis

    Over the next couple of weeks we will be talking about winter and, of course... All things Christmas!
    Here are the big idea questions we will be exploring: 

    • What does winter feel like? 
    • What is the weather like?  
    • What clothes do we wear outside when it is cold?
    • How can water change? 
    • How do you celebrate Christmas? 

    We will be sharing lots of wonderful stories linked to these big idea questions. Have a listen to some below: 

    You can also watch a lovely animated version of this story here on BBC iPlayer.



    The 'Winter wonderland' vocabulary that we will be sharing with the children over the next couple of weeks:

    Here are some winter-inspired ideas that you could get busy with at home. As always, we love seeing what you get upto on Tapestry (and the children enjoy showing their friends in school).

    • (F2) Reminder that we will be going to Loughborough Town Hall for our panto trip on Monday 16th December.  All children in F2 will need to have a packed lunch on this day. For more info, please see this post
    • Remember that we are hosting a storybook café on Wednesday 18th - we invite EYFS parents to join us first thing to share some stories in the classroom. 


    Thank you for your continued support πŸ˜Š

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    Published 28/11/24, by Kerry Inglis

    The big idea question's we will be exploring this week are:

    What stories were told hundreds of years ago?  

    How are castles different from where we live? 

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    Published 13/11/24, by Kerry Inglis

    Over the next couple of weeks for our long ago topic... We are blasting back to the past (over 200 million years ago) to find out all about dinosaurs! Our 'big idea' questions are:

    - What does extinct mean? 
    -What does a palaeontologist do? 
    -What is a museum? 
    -Who is Mary Anning?

    We will be sharing lots of books linked to these questions, but here are a couple of our favourites to share at home:

    Dear Dinosaur πŸ¦–

    Winnie's Dinosaur Day πŸ¦• 

    We will be finding out who Mary Anning is, the woman who helped to discover that dinosaurs did once exist! She was a Palaeontologist and collected lots of fossils.

    We will be singing along and doing the actions for this song!

    Check out the Cbeebies website for lots of dinosaur-inspired fun!


    • Huge thank you to everyone that sent in baby/toddler photos- SUCH adorable photos! The children have loved sharing these with their friends, and it really brought our 'big idea' questions to life. 
    • (F2) Remember to keep up with your doodlemaths, little and often is great! (we are currently in last place in school - let's try to move up for next week). 
    • Feel free to have a go at some of these dinosaur-inspired activities at home, or think of your own. We love seeing what you get up to on Tapestry!
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    Published 07/11/24, by Kerry Inglis

    Next week, the big idea question from our 'Long Ago' topic is:

    • How have I changed?

    We will be talking to the children about how they have changed from when they were a baby/younger and things they can do now that they couldn't before. We will be having a show and tell session with baby Rex and seeing what he can/cannot yet do. 
    Here are the texts that we are sharing to help get this conversation started:  

    As Peepo is quite an old book, we will be looking closely at the pictures and talking about what we notice and what is similar/different compared to the homes we live in today:  

    We will be talking about the toys we used to play with as a baby compared to the toys we play with now. We will be learning how teddy bears have been a popular toy for hundreds of years and singing this song:



    • Please could you send in a couple of photos of your children growing up (baby and toddler) on tapestry before Monday - this will help bring our topic to life! We will be using these for lots of activities over the week.
    • Big thank you to everyone who sent in half-term photos-the children loved sharing these with their friends.
    • Please remember to sign your children's reading diaries when they have read at home - this could be sharing a bedtime story, playing a game with their speed sound cards or even making up a story together. The school expectation is to read at least three times a week - and help children get along the way to their bronze reading award. 

    Key Dates for your diary:                                                

    • Monday 11th November-Anti-bullying Week
    • Friday 15th November- Children in Need
    • Tuesday 3rd December - Flu vaccinations (More information here Flu vaccinations 3rd December 2024)
    • Friday 6th December- School Christmas Fair 3:30-5:30pm
    • Saturday 7th December- Keyworth Village Festivities Day (Our choir will be singing)
    • Tuesday 10th December- Morning Christmas Performance
    • Wednesday 11th December- Afternoon and evening Christmas Performances.
    • Friday 13th December- Whole School Christmas Jumper Day!
    • Monday 16th December- Whole School trip to the Panto in Loughborough!
    • Friday 20th December- Last day of the Autumn Term.
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    Published 31/10/24, by Kerry Inglis

    We hope you have all had a lovely half-term, having lots of fun and some well deserved rest! 

    We would LOVE to hear what you got up to over the holidays. It might have been having a film night, sharing a favourite book, exploring on an autumnal walk or dressing up for Halloween! We would love to see a few photos that the children can talk about with their friends in school.

    If you could upload these photos in one post on tapestry that would be amazing.  We will print these and use these for our next topic, which will be... *drumroll please* 


    Time is such a tricky concept for children to understand... In this 'Long Ago' topic, we will help children grasp time by talking about their recent past (e.g. what they did over half-term, so those photos on Tapestry will be really helpful). 

    We will talk about their history and how they have changed from when they were babies. We will bring this to life by seeing baby Rex again (Miss Inglis' baby), and talking about what he can do and is still learning to do/will be able to do when he is older, like the children in foundation!

    We will be sharing sorties that have been told for hundreds of years such as Cinderella. We will be looking at castles, how old they are and how they are different from the homes that we live in.

    We will also be finding out about dinosaurs! Your child will find out about the amazing prehistoric animals that lived on Earth. We will learn facts and discover how big some of these gigantic creatures were. They will learn about what we might find in museums and what the word 'extinct' means. 

    We will also be sharing lots of different books, videos and photographs that help us explore the past.

    Ways you could support our topic at home:

    • Look at photographs of children as babies and talk about how they have grown and changed/what they can do now that they couldn't before. 
    • Talk about and share photos of what your life was like when you were a child/grandparents were a child.
    • Go to the CBeebies Dinosaurs website and explore the games and videos together. Can you find out any fascinating facts to share in school? 
    • Visit a local castle or historic building (remember to share your photos with us on Tapestry!)
    • Share traditional tales and see if your children can re-tell the key parts from the story (Jack and the Beanstalk, Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel etc).
    • Share and discuss the ‘Big Ideas’ poster below (also attached as PDF for clearer version).

    Thank you for your continued support πŸ™‚ 

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    Published 07/10/24, by Kerry Inglis


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    Published 03/10/24, by Kerry Inglis

    This week our big idea questions are:

    What do robots do?

    What technology do we use at home?

    We will be looking at different robots and machines and talking about how clever they are!
    Including hoover robots, robots that can build cars and machines in factories that make things that we use every day.

    We will be sharing this story with the children:

    Along with the sequel... No Bot-The Robot's New Bottom!

    We will be moving and grooving to these vintage Barney tunes:

    Along with making our own 2D shape robots and of course doing lots of improvised robot dancing!


    (F2) We are SO PROUD of how brilliantly the children are doing with their phonics. We are getting extra speedy with our sounds and trying really hard to form them correctly. We are starting to blend sounds together to read words! Keep up the super work Little Adventurers! 

    The sounds we will be learning to read and write this week are: 

    • Remember to book a parent's evening slot (links should be in emails from for a 10-minute appointment on either Monday 14th October or Thursday 17th October with Mrs Boon (F1) and Miss Inglis & Mrs Gerrard (F2). 
    • Reminder to keep working towards those bronze reading awards, signing home school diaries and marking off the award page at the back. This can be done each time you share a story/practise speedy sounds etc. 
    • To round off our topic, we will be having a 'Marvellous Machines' show & tell... Please let us know your child's favourite machine and send photos of some of the technology that you use as a family. This could be a photo of your car, the oven, a hoover, the freezer... The possibilities are endless! Send these photos on tapestry and the children can share them with their friends before half-term. 




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