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Our focus for the next couple of weeks, to help settle the children into foundation, will be 'Marvellous Me' ... We will getting to know your wonderful children, sharing colour monster stories and talking about our families and what we like doing with them.
If you could send a family photo on tapestry, we are hoping to use them to create a display in the classroom. The children will be making and decorating a paper frame for their family photo😊 

After that, we will be getting started with our 'Marvellous Machines' topic... Your child will learn about technology that is part of their daily lives. We will bring some 'marvellous machines' to the classroom to show the children how they help us/what they do (for example... Making toast with a toaster, smoothies with a blender and popcorn in the microwave). 

We will also be exploring materials, describing what they feel like and experimenting with things that are magnetic! 

Some ideas you could try at home to help bring our topic to life...

  • Talk about the machines and tech that you use as a family (cars, dishwasher, washing machine, cameras, etc). 
  • Spot and talk about the different modes of transport you see when out and about. Are they on land-do they have wheels? Are they in the air? On the water? 
  • Have a visit to the national space centre in Leicester-here you will find a magnificent machine… A ROCKET!
  • Talk about different materials and what they feel like. Are they rough or smooth? Soft or hard? 
  • Share and discuss our ‘Big Ideas’ resource below (also attached as a PDF).

Any questions, please speak to a member of the EYFS Team πŸ˜Š 

General Reminders

  • Please share books and stories at home and record these in their home-school diary. We are currently working towards our bronze reading awards. Each time your child reads, give them a tick on the reading award chart at the back of their diary. If you come to Reading Lair in the morning - this is also a diary entry! 
  • Thank you for being patient with us at dismissal time whilst we get used to new faces. If anybody different is collecting your child, please let a member of staff know in the morning or call the school office. If you have anything you would like to ask/discuss, please can we ask you to wait until we have dismissed all the children, so we can make sure the children are safe and give you our full attention. 
  • (F2 Parents) PE will be on a Thursday. If children could have a PE kit in school (red t-shirt and black shorts/trainers or plimsolls). We ask if children leave their PE kits in school on their pegs. We will send them home every half-term so they can be washed/check that everything still fits. 
  • (F2 Parents) Doodle maths log ins and passwords will be sent out next week in home-school diaries. We will let you know more about this app/how to use it when we send these out. 
  • Due to a new system in school, all first aid & bump notes will be sent via email, so please check these regularly. If your child has a head injury, they will also go home wearing a red band on their wrist. 
  • We will be using tapestry for sharing information and photos. If you are having trouble logging in, please let a member of the team know, and we can hopefully get it sorted. 

Dates for your Diary: 

Friday 20th September - INSET Day (School closed to all pupils)
Friday 4th October - Harvest Festival
Friday 11th October - Friends of KPNS Halloween Disco

Thank you for your support πŸ˜Š