Next week, the big idea question from our 'Long Ago' topic is:
- How have I changed?
We will be talking to the children about how they have changed from when they were a baby/younger and things they can do now that they couldn't before. We will be having a show and tell session with baby Rex and seeing what he can/cannot yet do.
Here are the texts that we are sharing to help get this conversation started:
As Peepo is quite an old book, we will be looking closely at the pictures and talking about what we notice and what is similar/different compared to the homes we live in today:
We will be talking about the toys we used to play with as a baby compared to the toys we play with now. We will be learning how teddy bears have been a popular toy for hundreds of years and singing this song:
- Please could you send in a couple of photos of your children growing up (baby and toddler) on tapestry before Monday - this will help bring our topic to life! We will be using these for lots of activities over the week.
- Big thank you to everyone who sent in half-term photos-the children loved sharing these with their friends.
- Please remember to sign your children's reading diaries when they have read at home - this could be sharing a bedtime story, playing a game with their speed sound cards or even making up a story together. The school expectation is to read at least three times a week - and help children get along the way to their bronze reading award.
Key Dates for your diary:
- Monday 11th November-Anti-bullying Week
- Friday 15th November- Children in Need
- Tuesday 3rd December - Flu vaccinations (More information here Flu vaccinations 3rd December 2024)
- Friday 6th December- School Christmas Fair 3:30-5:30pm
- Saturday 7th December- Keyworth Village Festivities Day (Our choir will be singing)
- Tuesday 10th December- Morning Christmas Performance
- Wednesday 11th December- Afternoon and evening Christmas Performances.
- Friday 13th December- Whole School Christmas Jumper Day!
- Monday 16th December- Whole School trip to the Panto in Loughborough!
- Friday 20th December- Last day of the Autumn Term.