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Extra Resources you might find helpful

Hello Sea Lions! I hope you are doing well and trying to remain positive during this difficult time.

You may have heard that the government have launched some fantastic resources for children to access during school closure. They are absolutely brilliant and I have spent sometime on the websites to get more familiar with the resources on offer.  I would recommend that you take a look at these with your child when you get the time to do so.

 I have added more Mymaths lessons and Doodle maths tasks for the Sea Lions to complete. Let's keep logging onto DoodleMaths Sea Lions and try to earn that Doodlemaths star this week! I can see so many of you have already started the Mymaths 'time' lessons which is AMAZING!  and many of you have started the writing task!  I can't wait to read them all- I am so so proud of you all for working hard despite tricky curcumstances.

I've found a few Bitesize lessons that the Sea Lions might find useful:

A wellbeing lesson all about 'why I am an amazing person' and how to work well as a team.This is very similar to the PSHE lessons we do weekly in class:


A Literacy lesson all about identifying verbs:

A Literacy lesson all about identifying adjectives:

A literacy lesson all about identifying nouns:


A science lesson on 'light and dark' we've already covered this topic in Science so it might be great to recap this:


A little singing lesson as I know many of you love to sing:


As always these are not compulsory activities or lessons to complete I just wanted to make sure you had enough support and resources to use during school closure to help provide some guidance. 


If you have any queries my email address is:


Thinking of you all and sending lots of love and positivity,

Miss Fowell xx