Full school opening 08.03.21
Information about full school opening from 8th March
Hi Snowdrops,
I am so excited about seeing you all back at school next week!
I just wanted to give you some information ahead of Monday.
- You need to wear your full school uniform please.
- PE will be on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. Please bring in your PE kit on Monday so that it is in school ready for your first PE session on Tuesday.
- At the start of the school day, you will be collected at 8:55 from the front playground by me or another teacher, please arrive promptly.
- The school day will end as usual at 3:30 and you will be dismissed from the front playground.
- You will be eating your lunch in the dining room at 12:00 before going out to play.
- At playtimes and at lunchtime, you will be on the back playground in the third furthest from the field (where the basketball net is).
- You will be allowed to take reading books home and your home-school diary can travel to and from home every day so please find your home-school diary and bring it with you to school.
- Spelling tests will be on Fridays. The first test will be on the week 3 words.
- Timestable tests will be on Mondays but don't worry, there won't be one on the first day back.
- We will continue to stick to our rainbow rules to keep ourselves safe.
If you have any queries, please email me at snowdrops-class@keyworth.notts.sch.uk
I look forward to seeing you all next week.
Bye for now,
Mrs Hill