Welcome back and term info
Hello new Year Five children and parents and welcome back!
Well what a fabulous start back it has been! It has been lovely seeing all of your children coming back into school looking so smart and happy after what I've heard was a lovely summer!
This blog is just to welcome you all back and give some key information for the upcoming half term.
Firstly, PE days will be on Wednesdays and Fridays, so your child will be expected to have their kit in on these days. However, sometimes we will have slight changes to this timetable, so ideally your child's kit should be in school throughout the week and then taken home for the weekends. A blog post about PE kit and uniform has already been sent out but just another reminder that long hair should be tied back and children with pierced ears must be able to remove these themselves as we are no longer able to simply put tape over piercings.
Now onto the more exciting bits!
Our new topic for this term is called Firedamp and Davy Lamp and is all about coal mining! This is a topic that the children all enjoy each year (as it can get a bit gruesome and scary at times!!) we will be learning all about the history of coal mining, from the days of children working in Victorian mines to the strikes and the eventual closures.
If you or anyone in your family has some experience working in the coal mines and you would be interested in sharing this with us please get in touch as we would love to hear from you! Please see the attached letter for all the info about what we will be covering in each subject!
Also attached below are all our spellings that we will be covering for the next half term. These will also be stuck in your child's home school diary. These will also be on doodle spell for your child to practise each week.
Any questions please ask myself out on the playground at the end of the day, or email/phone school through the office.
Looking forward to a fab term!
Miss Rayns