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New topic and spellings!

Our new topic for this half-term is all about Space! The children have been SO excited ahead of this one!

Also find attached below the spellings for this half-term.

Journey through space! Let’s take a trip to the stars, planets and suns and discover the amazing wonders of the night sky.

During this half-term, we’ll read information texts to find out about the Solar System and the Sun, using mnemonics to help us remember the facts. We’ll learn about our Solar System and investigate the cycle of day into night. We’ll learn about Galileo, the ‘father’ of modern astronomy and his famous astronomical discoveries. Taking on the roles of the planets, we’ll use movement to demonstrate the motions of the planets and moons. We’ll investigate lunar myths and write some of our own.  Then we’ll make our own space suits and think about some important design features necessary to keep astronauts safe in space.

We will also learn all about the first moon landing in 1969 and write and record our own news reports about it!


Help your child prepare for their project
The possibilities are endless when you’re thinking about the vastness of space. Why not work together to make a papier mâché model of your favourite planet? You could also watch a science-fiction film or read a book to see how space is presented. Alternatively, visit the local library together to find fascinating non-fiction books about space.

Class text The Kid Who Came From Space - Ross Welford
English Mnemonics; Myths and legends; Free verse poetry; Newspaper reports
Science Earth and space; Forces; Working scientifically
A&D Printing - phases of the moon
Computing Programming; Stop motion animation
D&T Space suit design - Selecting materials; Research; Structures; Evaluation
Geography Locating physical features
History Significant individuals – Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton; 1960s space race
PE Basketball
Science investigations How do we know the Earth is round? Can we track the Sun? How do rockets lift off? Why do planets have craters? How does the Moon move?