Little Mouse Pottery
First of all we would like to say a BIG thank you to Jane at the Little Mouse Pottery on Main Street right here in Keyworth!
When we arrived we saw lots of the pots and ornaments that you can go and decorate.
Jane told us all about the colours she uses. She has 24 special paints and some of them even change colour when they are cooked! She has the colours she uses displayed on clay mice hung on the wall so you can choose which colour you want to use.
We followed Jane upstairs to the 'Party Room' where she showed us how to make a slip mould ornament. The clay was like runny mud that you poured into the mould. When it sets you can decorate it and finally glaze it before it goes into the kiln. The kiln is like an oven but it gets extra hot. Much hotter than your oven at home. If the pots aren't made carefully they can EXPLODE!
Jane even let us have a go at making our own thumb pots. She has very kindly offered to bring them to school when they have dried out and if any of you want to go and glaze your pots with a colour you can go and visit her and she will fire it in the kiln for you.
What a fantastic mini trip we had. Jane was so kind to give up her time and it was lovely to discover such a wonderful resource right here in our own village. I have a sneaking suspicion that it will be the new favourite party spot as there were lots of childrens faces that lit up when they found out you could book a party there.
Thank you to the children too!..... not only did they behave brilliantly (no broken pots!) but they also sat with me after the trip and helped me to write this blog.
Click here to take a look at the photos to learn more about the pottery and what we got upto!