Sunny Keyworth Meadow
What a lovely day to learn all about our local Nature Reserve.
The children were very excited to hear a donkey, listen to the birds, paddle in the steam.....see a big bull!
A stroll down to the Nature Reserve at the end of Lings Lane showed the children the fun of popping on a pair of wellies and spending some time in the good old fashioned fresh air.
It was a fantastic way to bring our topic of "the Enchanted Woodland" to life. We imagined fairies playing in the stream as we paddled along and we tried to identify leaves and birds.
Click here to see a few photos of our trip.
A big thank you also to all of the parents who visited us during the open afternoon. Our classroom was full to the brim and the children were all really proud to show their families examples of the work they have been doing this term.