Spelling and handwriting
We have started the regular Friday Spelling groups again.
Nobody loves a spelling test! Or is that true!
Some of the children love having a spelling test each week but lets face it .... that is usually the group of children that find spelling is something that comes naturally to them. Other children perhaps find it more challenging and therefore less enjoyable.
That is why we try and make it less stressful for all of the children. We have a quick test and then they get to check their own spellings and find out how to correct them using a green pen. We then have an activity that introduces the next set of spellings alongside games reinforcing the rule that helps them remember the spellings. The spellings for the week are in the classroom and all around so that they see them everyday at school. This means that learning the spellings is not just something done at home the night before the test. School and Parents work as a partnership.
One of the reasons we also started using joined up handwriting is to help the children learn their spellings. Cursive writing has a natural flow to it and the hand remembers certain patterns within words. Just an added skill to help remember those tricky words. That is why we will be putting in handwriting sheets this term to help the children practise their spellings. There are guidelines on the paper to help you regulate the size of the words and it encourages the children to look carefully at the letters.
Thank you for all your support with learning spellings. We have seen progress in every child and you are enabling them to become better writers.
Well done to all of the children for their efforts too.
If you have any questions please come to talk to us after school one day.
Please find this terms spellings attached below.
There are two sets - Your child will have their set in their black folder.