A Token of Friendship
Thank you to all the children and parents in Magpie class. Some of which have been on a three year journey with me! We have got to know each other very well and I thought a friendship bracelet expressed how I felt about them all. Click here to see photos.
It really has been a pleasure!
I am only down in the Foundation Unit so feel free to pop in and stay in touch.
Can I also take this opportunity to say a big thank you for all of the amazing gifts. I am surrounded by beautiful flowers; have my fill of delicious chocolate and specially made cakes; enough of my favourite tipples to last me the whole summer; luxurious bath bubbles ensuring that I can now relax and read some of my favourite books whilst being watched over by some new little cuddly toys and characters for my mantle piece!
Mrs Betts has also asked me to express her thanks for all of your support over the past year and for all of your generous gifts.