Election Day At Keyworth Primary! UPDATE!!!
Which Party's policies appeal to you?!
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Which Party's policies appeal to you?!
If you want a little help learning the words to the songs we will be singing in the Christmas play this year, click below on the different attachments.
Mr Davenport found himself a new girlfriend at the panto last week! OH YES HE DID!!!!
Its that time of year again. Calling all budding singers from KPNS and Crossdale Schools.
A big well done to the children who took part in the Boccia today at South Wolds school!
A BIG well done to everyone who took part in the fun run including Mrs King! Even though it was extremely muddy and the course had an additional HILL, there were lots of personal bests and proud faces at the finishing line! A massive well done to Mrs Betts too who ran her first ever 10k- a true show of STICKABILITY Mrs B!
Very proud of my Cross Country Relay team!!!! Everyone who took part was fantastic- many more races to come...
Finally! Authorfy creative writing club has begun!
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