Friends of KPNS End of Term Movie Nights!
A Movie Night to end the year!
The end of year looks quite different to previous years with no show or summer fair. To celebrate how well the children have coped with this very difficult year, we will be running 2 movie nights (see flyers attached).
KS1-Thursday 15th of July 3:30- 5pm. They will be watching 'Luca'. Tickets cost £2 each and will include a drink, popcorn and sweets.
KS2-Wednesday 14th of July 3:30-5pm. They will be watching 'The Willoughbys'. Tickets cost £2 each and will include a drink, popcorn and sweets.
You can sign up for your child to attend the event and pay on Eduspot School Money or contact Mrs Buttery in the school office. On the evening, please collect your child from the back playground.