Sports Clubs & Events are Moving ONLINE!
Sports Clubs & Events are Moving ONLINE!
As a school we are working hard to go paperless and to streamline how you book your child on to events or clubs. For many years, we have used letters for our sports and extra-curricular events. However, letters often get lost and staff spend a lot of time chasing children for permission slips. From Monday 9th of May, we will no longer be sending paper letters or slips out for our events and clubs.
We have set up an online booking system which you will be able to access from your phones. All you need to do when you receive a text, is follow the link and all the information will be listed. There will be an online form or permission slip to complete in response. Please complete the form before the deadline which will be stated in the information. If your child is not signed up by the deadline date, we will allocate the place to another child. If you have signed your child up but they can no longer attend, please contact the office as soon as possible.
Our clubs are becoming more and more popular and we often have a waiting list. Therefore, children who do not attend the club without a valid reason which has been communicated to school, will lose their place and it will be reallocated.
We thank you for your support with this change and hopefully the new system will be easier for parents and carers at home as well as us in school.