We're Here to Help!
We are here to help, please shout out!
Dear Families
Keyworth Community Projects are still in a position to help those in our community who are in need of support at this difficult time. We are aware that there will be a significant number of families whose financial circumstances will have changed due to the current situation. We do not want any families to be struggling with food bills when there is something that we can do to help.
We are working with Mrs King at Keyworth Primary and Nursery School to help co-ordinate this project which ensures that all information will be retained within school and remain confidential.
We are able to issue shopping vouchers for the Co-op which will hopefully enable everyone who needs support to stock up on some essential items. This will mean that if you are without transport you should have no difficulty in spending these vouchers. This has already been agreed with the Co-op and these vouchers will exclude any tobacco and alcohol items.
If you would like to request a voucher, please email Mrs King at contact@keyworth.notts.sch.uk and we will work together to get this delivered to you. We have a limited number of vouchers available but we will aim to help every family who gets in touch with us.
Kind regards
Keyworth Community Projects