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We want to keep our school open!

You will be aware that many local schools have had to close to all, or some pupils in recent weeks due to coronavirus. Although this has not been the case for our school, it might only be a matter of time before we also feel the impact.

When reviewing our measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus, one major concern has been the number of adults that gather and mix when they drop off or collect their children. Even with our staggered start and end to the day, these times inevitably increase the risk of coronavirus being spread amongst our school community.

As such, and in consultation with the chair of our governing body, we are asking all parents to wear a face covering when they come onto the school site to drop off or collect their children. This will come into effect from 12th October, although we hope many parents elect to wear a covering immediately.

Advice from the DfE makes it clear that school leaders have the discretion to ask visitors and parents to wear face coverings to support existing hygiene measures and system of controls. Given the dramatic rise in cases in Nottinghamshire, this seems like a proportionate and sensible measure that will help keep our school open. Please contact us if you are medically exempt from wearing face coverings.