Homework at KPNS- A reminder!
Now we are back into our school routine, we would like parents and carers to support us in getting the children back into the weekly and termly homework expectations set by school.
All the children in Key Stage 1 and 2 have taken part in a special homework assembly this week to remind them of the expectations.
We have the following expectations of homework across school and would welcome your support with this:
- Read to an adult and record in their home/school book at least 3 times a week.
- Stay in the green zone on DoodleMaths (roughly works out to about 30mins spread over the week)
- Stay in the green zone on DoodleSpell (Y2 only)
- Participating in the reading awards over the term.
- Read to an adult or to yourself and record in home/school book at least 3 times a week.
- Stay in the green zone on DoodleMaths (roughly works out to about 40mins spread over the week)
- Stay in the green zone on DoodleSpell (All weekly spellings will be on DoodleSpell for the children to practise each week).
- Participating in the reading awards over the term.
- Stay in the green zone on DoodleTables (Y4 only)
Optional homework includes:
- Having a go at some of the topic homework tasks blogged by the teachers at the start of every term.
- Times Table Rockstars for KS2
We understand that, on occasions, there may be very good reasons why your child has not managed to complete their weekly homework. For these occasions, please communicate with your child’s class teacher so that they can support with this. You can do this through the class email addresses or request a call back via the school office.
We are also aware that, as parents (especially of the older children), you may have assumed that they have done their homework when perhaps they haven’t. Therefore, we will send out fortnightly reminder messages if your child has not yet completed their work so that you can offer encouragement or support at home.
Thank you, as always, for your support.