Celebrating the Queen's Jubilee!
On Friday 27th of May we will be having a wonderful time celebrating the Queens Platinum Jubilee as a whole school.
On that day we would like to invite the children to wear red, white, blue or a mixture of all three colours!
In the morning, the children will take part in a special assembly about Queen Elizabeth II and the Jubilee so that they understand the significance of this event as part of British history.
They will then be mixed up in different classes to make crowns and do other craft activities related to the Jubilee.
At lunchtime the whole school will have a picnic on the field (or in the hall if it is wet) together. Please send your child with a packed lunch that day.
If your child in entitled to A free school meal, Mrs Buttery will be sending out a link tomorrow so you can order a picnic lunch for your child from school. If you do not complete the form, we will assume that you will be providing your own packed lunch from home.
The link for booking a picnic lunch can be found here
To complete the day, the School Council and Friends of KPNS will be selling ice-creams in the Band Stand at the end of school.